I am doing all I can to serve God, the preborn and my fellow brothers and sisters. Yes, that includes those who disagree with me. I pray pro-life people unite to end abortion and human killing research, as well as do all we can to defend the defenseless.
I don’t know God’s plan, but I know he has one, & I’m grateful to be a part of it!
More about me:
Peter Shinn is the founder and President of Pro-Life Unity and Director of Cherish Life Ministries He is also: founder of ProLifeNews.tv, MonthlyCallForLife.com, founding technical director of National Pro-Life Radio. Peter is one of the three founders of the annual Blogs4Life conference, currently called the Pro-Life Con, which is held in Washington D.C. on the day of the annual March for Life. Charmaine Yoest of the Family Research Council and Tim Ruchti from ProLifeBlogs.com are the other founders of the morning session.
At the center of Peter’s projects are Pro- Life Unity, and Cherish Life Ministries. Through these efforts he is working on bringing together Pro-Life people from around the world in order to accomplish extreme goals for extreme times, such as ending abortion and human killing research and helping everyone understand the issues of life better so that we may all end abortion and human killing research. The many methods utilized include reaching out to the church, using door-to-door campaigns, common terminology, technology, promoting Pro-Life events, encouraging every Pro-Life person to participate in a Monthly Call for Life, uniting core groups of Pro-Life entities and establishing standards, such as an agreed upon set of Life Principles.
Other projects Peter has created or co-created include:
Teen Defenders – A project of Cherish Life Ministries, Peter is the co-founder of this important effort which reaches the youth of the world!
Prayer Pivot – A project of Cherish Life Ministries, Peter is the co-founder of this global prayer outreach along with Gail Richardson. Gail had a vision for global prayer which would help defend the defenseless, and joined with Peter in 2008.
Artists for Life – A project of Cherish Life Ministries, Peter is the co-founder of this effort to bring together artists of all kinds, to give them a voice for the pre-born.
Renee Pillor is not only a co-founder of Artists for Life, she has been a pro-life sister and partner for many years. Her other roles include President of Artists for Life, Spokesperson for Pro-Life Unity and Vice President of Cherish Life Ministries. She has helped with and participated in many interviews with countless politicians, Christian leaders & others. You can see some of her interviews here.
Peter has also developed the Pro-Life Action Calls code, which runs on over 25 web sites. Through this simple method of modern communications, Pro-Life messages go out to over 1/4 million people per month.
ProLifeNews.tv was conceived to help show what is happening in the Pro-Life field. It is a “Multimedia Pro-Life News” service that delivers video, audio and timely articles. He has interviews notables like Congressman Duncan Hunter, Senator Sam Brownback, Dr. Alveda King, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Dr. Johnny Hunter, Judie Brown and more.
The MonthlyCallForLife.com is a monthly effort to unite Pro-Life people nationwide to encourage them to call and/or email their representatives on the first Friday. On the first Saturday following the first Friday, they are then encouraged to go to a local abortion mill to pray for the women going in and the babies who most likely won’t make it out.
Pro-Life Con / Blogs4Life is an annual gathering of Pro-Life bloggers in Washington D.C., which is sponsored and co-founded by the Family Research Council. The afternoon session at 1st and Constitution was thought up by Jill Stanek and Peter Shinn. Other sponsors came on board to make it happen, including DefendLife.org, Family Research Council, Americans United for Life and American Life League.
Peter serves on the Editorial Board at ProLifeBlogs.com, as well as being a regular contributor.
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Our Websites & Social Media
Prayer Pivot (Gail Richardson is the Co-Founder & daily creator of pro-life prayers.
Teen Defenders – (Jake Dagel is the Co-Founder)
Facebook – Cherish Life Ministries
Facebook – Pro-Life Unity Group
Facebook – Pro-Life Unity Page
Facebook – Cherish Life Ministries
Tons more Facebook pages, groups & pages.