Dark Joe Biden’s State of the Union address

Dark Joe Biden’s State of the Union address

Check out our so-called “Republican” Speaker of the House Mike Johnson nodding and applauding, supporting Biden calling for war against Russia.

You can see that by going to 1:57:57 at this link.

Thanks to Joe Biden and Democrat / Republican War mongers, the Doomsday Clock is currently at “90 seconds before midnight.” The cut is right at the beginning the video.

This is the closest the Doomsday Clock has ever been to global annihilation. Of course liberal loons factor in climate change, which they consider more dangerous than nuclear war.

Idi@ts like this get elected because of people who vote for them. No, that can’t be said in a nice way. Get over it snowflakes!

How is it possible people get more upset over things that people say than nuclear annihilation?

I digress.

At the State of the Union address Joe Biden said:

“My message to President Putin – who I’ve known for a long time – is simple: we will not walk away. We will not bow down. I will not bow down.”

Again, I ask for the hundredth time, why are we at war with Russia? I get it, Democrats hate Russians.

I don’t!

So why are we at War with Russia?

French President Macron is posturing every other day to send troops to Russia. This nut job is serious! Check out a couple of statements from France’s fruitcake leader:

“France may send troops to Ukraine if the front moves towards Kyiv or Odessa.”

And Dmitry Medvedev @MedvedevRussiaE added this statement:

“Macron has said, “there are no more red lines, there are no more limits” in terms of supporting Ukraine (Le Monde). Then that means, Russia has no more red lines left for France.”

The Republican and Democrat media said Biden was at his best. No gaffes, everything was perfect. Right, they were lying, and anybody who watched the State of the Union knows that. I didn’t watch it, but I watched videos and read articles from people who did. Here’s one statement from our dementia-ridden “leader.”

“I’m going to get in trouble for saying this, but does anyone want to get on Air Force One with me and fly to Toronto, Berlin, Moscow? I mean, sorry well even.. I guess, Moscow. And take the recipe with you, you will buy them for 40% of the price here…”

And “Lincoln Riley?” Wow.

Yeah, that happened.

This was not a State of the Union address. Joe Biden did not talk to us, the American people, about how he has made America and the world a better place and he didn’t share a positive vision for the American people. Instead Joe Biden threatened the Americans who disagree with him and Russia. This was “dark Biden” at his best.

Biden talked about women’s rights, yeah, baby killing, and he attacked American patriots on January 6th, talking about how he needed to defend America from “enemies, foreign and domestic.”

John Solomon @jsolomonReports said:

” I’ve covered three plus decades of State of Union addresses as a journalist. This wasn’t a SOTU, it was a campaign speech that neglected a vision for America in favor of selling a division of America for political gain.”

Monica Crowley did an outstanding summation of Biden’s attack on patriotic Americans and Russia.

“President Joe Biden has always been a mean, self-serving, demagogic hack. Now he’s a mean, self-serving, demagogic hack with clear cognitive issues, an extreme hatred for half of the country, a willingness to weaponize his government against his political opponents, and an easy fluency with lies. All of these dangerous elements were on obvious display during his malicious State of the Union address.”

Read the rest of her article by clicking this link.

Alex Christoforou video