Make The World Great Again
Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden both threatened to interrupt Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines. Now they have been blown up. Hmm, I wonder who could have done it?
The same people who preach global warming/climate change propaganda to us are likely responsible for blowing up pipelines that will let more pollution, gas/methane, into the environment then in all of history of mankind.
Democrats / global liberals have already implemented policies around the world to stop us from eating beef because of cow farts and burps, yet they have released more methane than all of the cows that would be eaten in 100 years.
This is also one of the largest acts of terrorism against any Nation, ever.
America and Western Nations don’t care, after all, Russia, Russia, Russia.
Like that famous line in the movie asks, are we the bad guys? I’m learning that is a sad truth more and more.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying America was always an evil country. I believe we used to have responsible, conservative leaders. We tried to be good people.
This just isn’t the case since the Korean War. From Vietnam forward, all we did was try to dominate, exterminate communism and nation build. Rhino and Democrat leaders have pushed us into illegitimate wars that resulted in the death of millions of innocent people and the destruction of many lives.
That’s What attracted me to President Trump. The concept of making America great again appeals to me. I’m tired of warmongering leaders and I’m tired of leaders who want to use taxpayer dollars to fund their pet projects around the world.
Russia is doing what they have to to defend their people. America, Europe and Ukraine are just murdering and intimidating citizens because they don’t want to be a part of the Western World. That’s not a crime.
People often bring up the evils of Russia from 40 years ago or earlier. That doesn’t count. It’s what people do now. America and the Western world have been a hundred more times more evil than Russia in the last 40 years.
Right now Joe Biden and the Western world are pushing us into nuclear war. It’s time to stop these lunatics.
It’s time to make America great again. It’s time to stop the illegitimate and evil wars, and stop the tyranny over us! This November and next election we have a chance to return the world to normal. Italy led the way, let’s join them and vote for conservatives!