Star Trek Discovery, To boldly attack Republicans like no other Star Trek before.
Democrats are chuckling with woke Star Trek Discovery, speaking in code words they think knuckle-dragging Republicans can’t understand.
Season 1 – Episode 10 – After they accidentally jump into a parallel universe, they find out who the evil people are in charge of that universe. The words describing where they are and what they’re up against are spoken from a black woman, of course. Burnham says “They (Republicans) are the antithesis of us, in every way. They’re an oppressive, racist, xenophobic culture that dominates all the space. And they’re ruled by a faceless emperor.”
Yep, they are referring to President Trump
The aliens, or anyone not a member of the evil ones, “they’re part of a rebellion that is made up essentially of all non-human species. They’re fighting for freedom. The rebellion fears and mistrust humans (Republicans). The Terran (Republican) culture appears to be predicated upon an unconditional hatred and rejection of anything and everything “other.'”
Burnum adds “Terran (Republican) strength is born out of pure necessity. Because they live in constant fear, always looking for the next knife aimed at their back. Their strength is painted rust, it’s a facade.”
Testing whether or not a woman, who is pretending to be a Terran starship captain, is ready for her role says “well, let’s not keep these assholes waiting.”
She meekly asks the real Captain “too much?” To which he responds “no. Not here. Here, it’s just right.
Right, because Christian Republicans are the ones who cuss like drunken sailors.
The actual Captain later on says “no more apologies. From now on we’re Terrans. Decency is weakness, will get us killed.”
I have to admit, the irony in all of this is that the top commanders in this alternate universe are women. Perhaps they omitted the misogyny they constantly recuse Republicans of just so they could continue to have women in dominant positions on the show?
The ultimate attack on Republicans on this show is when they appear on the Terran starship. No joke, all the people on the command deck immediately give the heil Hitler salute, sticking their arms straight out.
In case you are living on another planet and you don’t understand how Democrats think, check this out.
“‘Star Trek’ Actors, Producers Start Anti-Donald Trump Group”
The website “The Wrap,” referencing “Trek Against Trump” says:
“Donald Trump is no better than a Denebian slime devil in the eyes of a long list of “Star Trek” actors, producers and writers.
“Star Trek” cast members, producers and writers from all of the franchise’s series and movies have endorsed a new Facebook group called Trek Against Trump. Among those supporting the group are JJ Abrams (rebooted movie franchise), Bryan Fuller (“Deep Space 9,” “Voyager,” “Discovery”), Gates McFadden (“The Next Generation”), Walter Koenig (original series) and Scott Bakula (“Enterprise”).
“Never has there been a presidential candidate who stands in such complete opposition to the ideals of the Star Trek universe as Donald Trump,” the group said in a statement on its Facebook page. “His election would take this country backward, perhaps disastrously.””
Those were all the things they said before the election. Now do you understand why they said the things they said in 2017, on Season 1, episode 10?