The Second Amendment doesn’t change, the way we deal with criminals should
The Second Amendment is the Second Amendment. We don’t need elitists in our federal or state governments, people who have bodyguards with guns, to limit our access to guns.
The Second Amendment doesn’t change because our elitist politicians won’t do anything to protect our children. They would rather send $40 billion dollars to ukraine.
Criminals can commit as many crimes as they want and they get a free pass. As long as they’re not Republican that is. Democrats don’t care about crime, they only care about taking guns away from republicans.
A school should not be a gun-free zone. Your house isn’t a gun-free zone, why should the place where your innocent, defenseless children are all gathered together be one?
Chicago has some of the most strict gun laws in America yet they are one of our murder capitals. Jamaica has strict gun laws just like Chicago yet they are the murder country of the world.
Mitch McConnell has been a sellout to American conservatives ever since the day he said “I do.”
Instead of sending our tax dollars all over the world to protect other countries, we need to invest some of our own money here in America, to protect our children!