The People’s Convoy is on the move
The People’s Convoy truckers are out there for all of us. They represent freedom, something we are losing quickly in America.
Prayers for Brian Brase and the thousands of freedom truckers and supporters.
It’s time for the 21st Century Great Awakening. People are waking up to the lies and tyranny in the New World Order.

Peter Shinn Pro-Life Unity founder and director Life and Liberty United we Stand ~ Divided they Die
Be Aware, Not Afraid
Cherish Life Ministries founder and director
Teen defenders cofounder and director
LinkedIn – PeterShinn
Parler – PeterShinn
The Facebook Pro-Life Unity profile was deleted by the Facebook overlords. The Pro-Life Unity group still exists with over 3,800 members!
My main video upload site for the moment is YouTube. when they ban me there you will find me at the alternate sites.