A Nation Divided – Who Are We?

Playing two national anthems at sports events is insane. Aren’t these millionaire athletes, Americans? Our national anthem isn’t good enough for them? If not, why do they live here?

A small number of people, mostly Democrats, hate America & want to change her into a country that the rest of us will hate.

Democrats despise things about America that most people like.

Democrats like things that most Americans don’t.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans don’t want our six-year-old children TAUGHT alternative sexual practices.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans don’t want Netflix playing “cuties,” exposing and sexualizing naked 11-year-old girls.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans aren’t racist.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans don’t have a problem with “in God we trust.”

Unlike Democrats, most Americans don’t have a problem with nativity scenes.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans like having Police Departments.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans believe in freedom of speech, even if it is offensive.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans believe America is a good country.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans like the American flag.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans are proud of the national anthem.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans are patriotic.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans don’t think that male athletes should be able to compete as females.

Unlike Democrats, most Americans don’t believe babies should be killed in the womb, especially not up to the moment of birth!

This is more than a nation divided. Democrats despise everything we stand for, while most Americans ARE GLAD TO BE AMERICANS!

Democrats are incompatible with America so they are trying to change America into a nation they are comfortable with. Of course this process will turn America into a country most Americans will be uncomfortable with.

Since Democrats have been running their racial campaigns, encouraging black people to hate white people, the racial divide in America has never been greater. This isn’t to say that more white people have become racist.

With the terrorist Black lives matter organization, we can see that Democrats have fomented extreme anger in the black community toward white Americans.

Democrats have convinced many blacks in America that whites have “white privilege” and they need to be pushed aside, attacked and driven from power.

A good example of this is what happened on an airplane yesterday. A black woman refused to get out of the way when a white stewardess needed to get by. The black woman went on a tirade, screaming at white women accusing them of white privilege.

President Trump will get elected again. Unfortunately, because Democrats stacked America with Democrat-voting foreign-born people, President Trump will be the last Republican president.

The last time Americans were taxed without representation didn’t end well for the tyrants. I’m not sure why Democrats think domination over people is a good thing.