Unfortunately, Many City Police Are Pro-Abortion
Pro-Life warriors “SFLA Partnerships Adviser Warner DePriest and Student Leader Erica Caporaletti were arrested on the scene.”
Many city police aren’t pro-life. Most of them probably have their phone numbers on direct dial from Planned Parenthood. When democrats do something like this, the police stand down. As soon as it’s a PRO-LIFE PERSON, “you’re UNDER ARREST!”
Ironically, a lot of the police officers who respond to these calls are black. They don’t realize their population is in a demographic free fall. Most black babies are being killed by their mothers, who use abortion to get rid of that little “problem/inconvenience.”
Will these pro-life heroes get a no-bail release like all the black lives matter terrorists have been getting? I doubt it.
Planned Parenthood is a protected baby-killing facility. President Clinton passed the main law that protects baby killing mothers while they are going in to dispose of their children.
F.A.C.E. – Freedom of access to clinic entrances. First of all, these are not clinics.” They are baby killing facilities. If anyone does anything to stop a woman from killing her child in Planned Parenthood they will face a federal prison.
Imagine, black lives matter and Antifa terrorists have been rioting, burning and looting America for the last 7 weeks. Very few of them are arrested, and if they are, they are let loose immediately. Will any of them stand trial? Again, very few.
Police officers who arrest pro-life heroes should be ashamed of themselves. We are not violent. We don’t threaten anyone. We are involved in peaceful, pro-life efforts. Yet Democrat politicians treat us like we’re terrorists.
Barack Obama’s 1st pursuit when elected was to put pro-life organizations and people on the terrorist watch list. No, this isn’t a joke. He was actually doing that.
Fortunately, America spoke out and forced him to stop. When democrats take control though, you can be sure they will do it again.