This Won’t Pass

Unfortunately, generation after generation has been the saying “this too shall past,” never actually dealing with the significant issues that have been changing the fabric of our country.

Today, we’re at a turning point in America.

Fifty five years ago, Republicans turned their backs on the Democrat goal of filling the country with Democrat-voting latinos.  Why? Because they wanted the cheap labor.

In 1965 there were 4 million, today there are over 65 million Democrat-voting Latinos in America. There are an additional 20 million illegals who will become Democrat voting citizens as soon as Democrats complete their takeover. Democrats succeeded in adding almost 100 MILLION SOCIALIST, DEMOCRAT-VOTING LATINOS to this country. That means 1/3 of the population of Mexico is in America, taking up almost 1/3 of our population today.

Because of this reality, President Trump will be the last Republican President. Federal politicians won’t be far behind. Our United States will be completely controlled by democrats. They already control the news, NPR, NASA, social media, Congress, the pentagon, unions, police departments in all major cities, our school systems and every government office.

What will pass?

Our only choice is to secede from this so-called “union.”

As it stands, conservatives are losing their jobs, being rejected from schools, being passed over for promotions, being demonized from and being disconnected from their social media sites.

Republicans have always tried to get along with the democrats. The naive, gullible good people of this country thought that things go back-and-forth, naturally. They figured Democrats would be in power for a while and then comes the turn of the republicans, and so on.

This was a pipe dream.

Democrats refused to leave control of America up to fate. They planned on how they could completely take over, and they have succeeded.

The crazy thing is, 95% of the land in America is owned by republicans. Or at least it’s occupied by them. I’m not sure who actually owns it. Democrats know it doesn’t matter who owns the most land, the most important thing to controlling America is who controls the votes of people in the electoral college parts of the country. This means cities.

Democrats also made sure to sprinkle Democrat-voting “immigrants” into the important battleground States as well.

Americans need to start planning which States they want to retreat to. If they don’t, democrats will stop us from escaping. Good people of America have trusted evil, federal republicans for too long. These two-faced politicians sold us out, and are untrustworthy.

As we have seen this week, former president Bush, Mitt Romney and former secretary of defense, Colin Powell have all joined together to speak against. so-called racist white people and so-called white supremacist, racist, President Trump. They are going to support democrats, the baby-killing party of abortion. This is unconscionable and unforgivable. There are many traitors like them in this country.

One of the things I did for many years in the pro-life movement was call out the back stabbing ways of the Republican party. Even so called pro-life media representatives just used the pro-life party to enrich themselves.

I became unpopular because I was exposing the hypocrisy of our so-called allies.  Senators and congressmen come around every 2 or 4 years just to put their arms around us and tell us how pro-life they are. Then, after we work hard to get them elected/re-elected, they pat us on the back and ignore us until the next election.

Do they try to end abortion?


Don’t pretend they do. We all know better. They present bills that they never intend on pushing through. Republicans completely controlled Congress During the Reagan administration, the two Bush administrations and the 1st two years of the Trump administration. In all those years, HAVE REPUBLICANS EVER TRIED TO END ABORTION?

No, not once!

Democrats are the complete opposite. When they get in power they push through everything they want. They gave us Obamacare and plenty of other liberal laws. Even though democrats haven’t been able to push through federal anti-gun laws, they have succeeded with their anti-Second Amendment policies in almost every state. They have even manipulated naive and gullible, and sometimes willing federal and state republicans to pass what they refer to as “common sense” anti-Second Amendment laws.

And seriously, where is the Republican health care plan?! They talked about it for years, yet it doesn’t exist, does it? Obamacare is still the law of the land.

Conservatives, independents and anyone else who believes in capitalism and a free United States, wake up already!

As we have seen for the last 10 days, democrats are extremely unkind and brutal people. At least 3 police officers have been killed and a dozen other innocent civilians as well. Countless stores have been destroyed, people have been beat up and cities have been looted. This is all because of the lie that black Americans are brutalized by white police officers.

People say you can’t call out a person for not being a Christian. I completely disagree. I believe the Democrat party is made up of satanic, hateful people whom are responsible for the death of almost 70 million babies in this country alone. Babies are also dismembered and their body parts are sold around America.

Are you telling me I can’t say these despicable people aren’t Christians?

This won’t pass. It’s time to plan a new future for us, unless you want to live under Democrat rule.

Think about it, if a Democrat will slaughter a baby in the womb, a poor, defenseless little human being, what do you think they will do to us, people whom they despise!?