Democrat-controlled media turns on American citizens

Voting America is divided straight down the middle, yet the Democrat-controlled media refers to the better half as “fiends.”

Left-wing rag claims:

“About time Zuck flips on hate.”

Get that? Republican America, you are just haters.

I bet that 95% of those banned are conservative.

Don’t give me the garbage that “Louis Farrakhan is one of the banned people, so it’s fair.” That’s nonsense.

Farrakhan is an open anti-Jew hater, and he has been embraced by Democrats, including Obama, until now, when they need a left wing nutjob fall guy.

As Democrats complete their takeover of America, they will tighten their grip around the necks of those who disagree with them. Americans have been passive for too long, allowing this dystopian future to occur.

Some people think I’m foaming at the mouth, and I’m too radical. If anything, I’m understating the danger that’s coming our way!

Check out the definition of dystopia in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Aja Romano, Vox, “In the era of Trump and apocalyptic change, Hopepunk is a storytelling template for #resistance — and hanging onto your humanity at all costs.,” 27 Dec. 2018

“Apocalyptic.” Yeah. The left wing manipulative media, entertainment and educational system is brainwashing the world to believe they are the good people. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, morals, values and that babies should be born, not killed … they are the evil ones.

Peter Shinn
Pro-Life Unity
United we stand ~ Divided they die

Cherish Life Ministries
Empowering Christians to effectively communicate life issues

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