“Yellowstone Supervolcano, Emergency Evacuation of Dorm, Sinks 10″ in 2 days”

“The government” doesn’t want you to know what they are thinking, it’s possible that Yellowstone could blow!

YouTuber talking about some of the latest events


Technically, a Yellowstone eruption would be an ELE event. For those of you unfamiliar with “end of the world” movies, ELE stands for “Extinction Level Event.”

Look, I’m not saying it’s going to erupt tomorrow, I’m saying it COULD erupt tomorrow. It’s certainly way overdue to erupt, and the seismic action coming out of that area over the last year is definitely disconcerting.

One of the things that has scientists concerned is that Yellowstone has more than one magma chamber. We have discovered a “previously unknown magma reservoir under Yellowstone it “hides enough magma to fill the Grand Canyon 11 times over!”

Click here to read about that
The next video is a documentary about what would happen if Yellowstone erupted.

Now that we’re heading into the Grand Solar Minimum, there are more earthquakes, and more volcanic eruptions.

Here is my interview with former NASA scientist and presidential advisor, John Casey. It will leave you stunned!

The media has been hiding what’s coming, and it’s up to us to educate ourselves so we can Survive and Thrive during the coming Ice Age.

Peter Shinn
Pro-Life Unity
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