“It’s Now Up To Us To Save America, The Second Time

Dinesh D’Souza portrays what many of us are feeling, the second Civil War is here. “Lincoln saved America the first time, it’s now up to us to save America, the second time.”

Unfortunately, aided by the federal Republican Party, many of whom are just Democrats in disguise, Democrats brought ringers this time. Sixty million Democrat voting Latinos. because of this, Democrats will eventually win. Then, the frightening scenes Dinesh lays out for us are likely to come true.

Democrats do what’s best for the party, not what’s best for America. Federal Republicans do what’s best for their pocketbooks, not what’s best for the party. Just because federal Republicans wanted cheap labor, the federal Republican party will collapse, & America will collapse.

I don’t know why the American people were caught asleep. I guess it’s because the Democrat-controlled news and entertainment media kept the population distracted while they opened the floodgates to people who hate what America stands for.

Democrat-voting Latinos are angry people, just like the Democrat Party. That’s why they are calling all white people “racists.” Their rallying cry is “this is our country, and we will take it back.”

Democrat-voting Latinos don’t fly the American flag, they proudly fly the Mexican flag. Americans just don’t understand, one half of the entire population of Mexico is in the United States today.

Federal elections are it’s enough as they are. It’s a miracle a Republican president even gets elected. There are 15 million Democrat-voting Latinos waiting for a mass amnesty. The federal Republican Party is desperately trying to give it to them so they can make that cheap labor permanent, ignoring the fact this final action of theirs would be the end of the federal Republican Party.

The first video shows you the reality of what we’re up against with the Democrat-voting Latinos. The second video is Dineshs’ trailer for his upcoming movie.


