Roseanne Is Just More Hollywood Indoctrination
America, wake up!
YOU’RE BEING USED BY “ROSEANNE.” She’s manipulating you! As this Hollywood Reporter article says:
“It’s easy to miss the show’s uncompromising criticism of Trump.”
This is what Hollywood does. They present a red , tasty, crunchy apple. Over time, you realize the apple is rotten and filled with worms.
The article continues with:
“If you’re looking for pro-Trump proselytizing in Roseanne, you’ll be feasting on your own imagination.”
Instead of “pro-Trump proselytizing,” you are fed a steady stream of jokes which don’t put President Trump in the best light.
It’s not just Hollywood, this is what Democrats do. They can’t tell America what their real agenda is. Otherwise we wouldn’t trust them with our children.
Unfortunately, we do.
Every day, Democrat teachers are manipulating our children teaching them false news and history. Then, they threaten them with giving the “right” answers. If the “correct,” pro-liberal agenda answers aren’t given, our children are punished.
Imagine how much of a difference this can make. Let’s say instead of a four point no, your son gets a 3.9. That can easily make the difference between being excepted in a top college or not. One fraction of a point at a time Democrat teachers can affect the lives of our children.
I can easily go on and on on this subject. Democrats are dangerous. they use the news, entertainment, Google, social media, schools and more to brainwash America into becoming more liberal every day. They don’t believe in patriotism, freedom or free speech.
Democrats believe in one thing, control. They will use every tool they have to gain it.
Roseanne is a comical Trojan horse which will plant the seeds of doubt into you and your children.
Peter Shinn
United we stand ~ Divided they die
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